July 8, 2014

Wenn ich die Zeit nur anhalten könnte…

Posted in Uncategorized tagged , , , , , , at 16:57 by Raven Silver

…wobei, vielleicht wäre das auch keine gute Idee. Ich stelle mir gerade vor, wie ich auf den Zeitknopf drücke und just in diesem Moment mir ein Blumentopf auf den Kopf fällt. Dann hätte ich Dauerkopfschmerzen, nur, weil ich die Zeit angehalten habe.

Also doch lieber wieder weiterlaufen lassen.

Andererseits gibt es doch immer wieder Momente im Leben, die man festhalten möchte. Auf die man nicht verzichten möchte. Die man am liebsten in Dauerschleife laufen lassen könnte.

Der Zeugnistag meiner Tochter war zum Beispiel so ein Moment. Was haben wir gemeinsam gekämpft, gearbeitet, gelernt. Ein Jahr wiederholt. Und weitergemacht. Und jetzt hat die junge Dame ihr Abitur in der Tasche. Und sogar noch eine Auszeichnung für die beste Facharbeit in Latein. Nein, nicht *auf* Latein, sondern im Fach Latein. Das Thema: “Kostantin, ein christlicher Kaiser?”

Ich gebe zu, dass ich den ganzen Abend mit stolz geschwellter Brust durch die Gegend stolziert bin. 🙂

Und als sie dann Abends im langen Kleid und hohen Plateauschuhen dahergestakst kam, da war sie schon eine richtig erwachsene Dame. *seufz*

Warum geht das nur so schnell immer? Gerade war sie doch noch… und so…

Wenn sie jetzt auch noch wüsste, was sie mit ihrem Leben machen will, dann wäre mir noch leichter um’s Herz. Aber das findet sich wohl noch… Jetzt gibt’s erst mal Chillen, Urlaub in Italien und Musikfestival in Budapest. Danach sehen wir weiter… 🙂

October 7, 2009

Standing high

Posted in Poetry tagged , , at 01:11 by Raven Silver

Standing high

on the mountain top

he waited

for the wind to rise

to pluck the pain from his

soul and heart

to tear him from the summit

to take away the sorrow

and the longing

and the hope

to leave him




Standing high

on the mountain top

he waited

July 7, 2009


Posted in Poetry tagged , , , at 16:56 by Raven Silver

So many birds!

I have sat here all night,

eating and drinking

and dissecting my soul.

I look outside

to search for the darkness,

and I see the sky


in the light of day.

What a surprise!

June 23, 2009


Posted in Poetry tagged , at 17:19 by Raven Silver

Taking the blue sky in my hands,

a waterfall through my fingers,

azure ocean in my wineglass.

I drink deep, filling my heart,

waves of blazing night,

still pools of clear ice.

My soul floats on sound,

drums pounding my blood,

a feather on warm breezes.

All things are within me,

a multitude of Oneness,

exploding in a rainbow.

June 13, 2009


Posted in Poetry, Uncategorized tagged , , , at 22:29 by Raven Silver

Plunge the knife

deep deep

the blood sprays

rips and tears

you’re murdering your thoughts

tearing out your heart

cracking the bones

until nothing



is left

but emptiness


Posted in Poetry tagged , at 02:07 by Raven Silver

You walk in shadow,

and yet there is light in your heart.

You drown in sorrow,

and yet there is laughter in your soul.

You long for love,

and yet there is so much love that you can give.

You close your ears,

and yet your inner voice speaks to you.

You move in violence,

and yet peace lies within you.

You are fractured,

and yet healing is not beyond you.

The day will come,

when all the pieces become one.

And the tortured soul

finds the balm that soothes at last.

June 8, 2009

Haiku 171108

Posted in Poetry tagged , , , , at 11:51 by Raven Silver

Like tiny glittering diamonds

threaded on a lacy doily

ice crystals have gathered

on the rim of the garden’s water basin.

The frost came suddenly, last night.

June 4, 2009

I love…

Posted in Poetry tagged , , , at 19:22 by Raven Silver

I love the dialogue with you

in which I develop ideas,

which I would never have had, alone.

Your view of things touches me,

so that I discover something within me

that I did not know until now.

Together, we search for solutions,

for the secrets, that make up our lives

and through which we will become wise.

One thought catches onto another,

one experience corresponds with another,

one form of speech underlines the other.

Accompanied by gestures

and carried by a theme  of searching,

a building of words is erected

which is home to us both.

I love the free conversation,

not bound with ideologies or dogmas,

only moved by the search

for a truth, which can be lived.

June 3, 2009

Dappled leaves

Posted in Poetry tagged , , , at 18:50 by Raven Silver

The sun

like a painter

spots the dancing leaves

with gold and green and red and yellow

making them glow

in the summer sunset

Hello world!

Posted in Uncategorized tagged , , , at 16:11 by Raven Silver

Despite the fact that I have a regular journal and a blog for my company, I wanted to set up a place where I can work on some of my writing. I’ve been ignoring the muse for a long time now, and want to give her some space to come out and play.

Most of my writing will be in English, since that’s my literary language. But some might also be in German, if the muse wants it so. So just read and see…